The Force Multiplier: Elective Pay & Energy Savings for Local Governments
Event Name: The Force Multiplier: Elective Pay & Energy Savings for Local Governments
Format: Webinar
Date: Friday, October 25
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Eastern
Hosted by: Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim) and Indiana Conservation Voters
Presenters: David Eichenthal, United States Treasury Department; Chirag Lala, Center for Public Enterprise; Alex Crowley, Indiana Energy Independence Fund
Through the Inflation Reduction Act’s elective pay provisions, entities without tax liability such as tribes, nonprofits, and local governments are able to tap into massive new discounts for clean energy installations.
Whether buying solar panels for city hall, installing a geothermal heat pump for a school building, or electrifying your vehicle fleets, local governments can reap new rewards for new technologies through the tax filing process. But the requirements to ensure that cities and towns are eligible and prepared for these benefits are new and can be somewhat tricky to navigate.
To help demystify these new regulations, this webinar will include the following experts: the U.S. Department of Treasury will cover the basics of Elective Pay and the new opportunity it and related funding mechanisms provide for local governments; the Center for Public Enterprise will run a sample capital stack to demonstrate layering financing for new installations and provide real-world examples to ensure fiscal discipline; and the Indiana Energy Independence Fund, Indiana’s new nonprofit green bank, will highlight unique financing opportunities available in Indiana.